Arcane Fighting Vehicles - AFVs

British AFVs by Graham Matthews, e-mail me

AS90 155 mm Self Propelled Gun



This site aims to provide information on British tracked armoured fighting vehicles. Rather than concentrating on the better known vehicles, however, I intend to provide links, photographs and commentary on some of the lesser known vehicles as first priority. Hence the slightly tongue-in-cheek title for this site.

I hope to continually update this site with information on interesting British vehicles, as well as some of the old favourites.

Recently added or updated pages (Aug 2009) include:

155 mm Self Propelled Howitzer AS90

CVR(T) Stormer Variants

Contentious, British S-Tank equivalent

Challenger 2 Trojan AVRE

Churchill 3 ins Gun Carrier

(updated with new pictures)

FV4004 Conway and FV4005
(updated with new pictures)


Praying Mantis
A novel idea for firing from a concealed position

Tanks from Independent in 1926 until the end of WW II were mostly given 'A-number' General Staff (GS) ordnance designations. Other GS designations included B for tractors and carriers, D for armoured cars and L for light tanks. Before this they had descriptive titles, with a Mark and possibly a name, such as Tank, Medium Mark A 'Whippet' or Tank, Mark I. After WW II, until about 1982, British army vehicles including softskins, were allocated 'FV' designations. Subsequent vehicles have reverted to names and marks.

WW1 - 1925
(pre-GS 'A' number designations)

1925 - 1945 non-a numbered (named only) vehicles

General Staff A-Number List 1925-1945 

Post 1945 FV Numbers

Post WW2 vehicle with no FV number


My models

Including reviews of 1/76 & 1/72 models




My other, non-military pages


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